
Take Advantage of Significant Savings on Your New HVAC System

Home Efficiency Rebate Plus

This program offers homeowners rebates for a variety of home energy efficiency upgrades, including:
$ 25,000+ in available rebates
  • Home energy assessments: Up to $600
  • Home insulation: Up to $10,000
  • Air sealing: Up to $1,300
  • Windows and doors: Up to $325 each
  • Space and water heating: Up to $6,500
  • Smart thermostats: Up to $125
  • Solar panels: Up to $5,000
  • Weatherproofing: Up to $1,625

Canada Greener Homes Loan

This loan offers interest-free financing to help Canadians make their homes more energy efficient and comfortable.
$ 40,000 10 years, interest-free loan
  • Maximum: $40,000
  • Minimum: $5,000
  • Repayment term: 10 years, interest-free
  • Loan type: Unsecured personal loan on approved credit

Oil to Heat Pump Affordability

Canadian homeowners may be eligible to receive an upfront payment of up-to-$10,000 to make the switch
$ 10,000 upfront payment
  • Maximum: $10,000
  • Minimum: $5,000
  • Proof of purchasing 500 litres of heating oil in the past 12 months
  • Wide range of eligible heat pumps
  • Low-to-median income level has been increased