Take Advantage of Significant Savings on Your New HVAC System
Home Renovation Savings
This program allows homeowners to choose the rebates that work best for them and their property.
in available rebates
Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump: Up to $2,000
Ground Source Heat Pump: $3,000
Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump: Up to $7,500
Ground Source Heat Pump: Up to $12,000
Canada Greener Homes Loan
This loan offers interest-free financing to help Canadians make their homes more energy efficient and comfortable.
10 years, interest-free loan
Maximum: $40,000
Minimum: $5,000
Repayment term: 10 years, interest-free
Loan type: Unsecured personal loan on approved credit
Oil to Heat Pump Affordability
Canadian homeowners may be eligible to receive an upfront payment of up-to-$10,000 to make the switch
upfront payment
Maximum: $10,000
Minimum: $5,000
Proof of purchasing 500 litres of heating oil in the past 12 months
Wide range of eligible heat pumps
Low-to-median income level has been increased